Joe's Place

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Wow that must be a first. I do believe that was one of the shortest lived blogs ever. Anyways I am dermend to keeps this up to date and gorgeous for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully my short attention span will allow me to post every so often, so you can bask in my lack of wisdom and glory and laugh until the cows come home. That could be a very long time unless you live on a farm and if you do, what are you doing reading my blog, you should be looking for your lost cows! God i have a short attention span.

Oye, maybe I should wait until I am not so tiered and out of it before i update this bloggert, but hthe show must go on. Well heres a randomish update, the last post was may... so here we go.

June - I worked, fun-o-la Though more floral then cash which is fantastic. And Pub Crawl, twas great, a good time was had by all.

July - Phoenix for 10 days, Grand Cayon and 2 Days in Vegas Baby! Sadly not able to leaglly drink or gamble but a good time was had by all. I will be going back. All the lights and the sounds are actually had to stimulate my short attention span which is great. Back to Floral and I am assisstant Manager (by defalt cause there are only two of us, but a title is a

August - More work, like 40 hours a week. Big Bike Ride, raised over $1200 dollars and we rode in the rain, not too bad. Getting ready for school.

September, which brings us to present. See next bloggert.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

First Post!!

First Post!! Dude. Wow, I am so behind in the times or what. This blog-gert (I am talented) is for the Kimbingo whos on there on the plains where it rains in spain.... Back on track now. Anyways this is for me to track my every waking thought and something a little class-e-er than all those emails that are neither here nor there. Wow, for once my computer is slower than my typing and I can see my thought spread out before me like pb&j on a a warm summers day. This really isn't my first posting cause nothing is really about what going on just about this site which i guess would constitue as something going on, but you would have to think about it in that kind of rational and systamatic way. Anyways plants to be planted and people to be peopled.
Please note the cooler, newer addyer address. boo-yah.